/** * The main navigation bar for the website, featuring a logo, navigation links, and social media icons. * The navbar is fixed to the top of the page and has a dark background color with a shadow effect. * The navigation links include Home, About, Contact, and Projects, and the social media icons link to the developer's GitHub, LinkedIn, and Twitter profiles. */

Nadia Sylvester

Front-end Developer based in the UK

Dictionary App
Dictionary App

The application is built using React. Users search for a word, the app will promptly show the word's meanings and corresponding photos.

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Weather App
Weather App

This application is developed using React. Users enter a city name in the search engine, the app present real-time data displaying animated icons

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Dictionary App
World Clock

This app built with HTML, CSS, and JS, displays the current time dynamically based on the city selected from the dropdown menu.

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Nadia Sylvester photo

About me

Hello 🙂

Ever since the early years of the computer age I have been fascinated by them and how they work. When the opportunity arose to do a full time degree in computer programming I seized it and really enjoyed the six months study whilst juggling twilight shift work and family responsibilities. However, I had to withdraw as the family pressure became too much but moving into the new century I started learning and manipulating Word Press simply through YouTube videos as I created my own business website. After a bout of ill health more recently I decided I really wanted to learn Coding and how to create and manipulate it from the ground up.

Now I want to offer my website creation service for your new business start up. We can meet up, talk and I can listen to your ideas, your hopes and your plans. As well as the website creation I can also offer you my 25+ years of business development and growth experience plus I come from an entrepreneurial family background too.
So let me help you take the first step to greatness! 👑

Are you ready to be inspired? Let's make your dreams a reality!